********************* Infrastructure Status ********************* `http://status.asmodee.net/ `_ continuously monitor the status of Asmodee.net services, online game servers and all related services. If there are any interruptions in service, a note is posted on this web site. It also provides an `API `_ for developers to request the status of the infrastructure within their applications. ``InfrastructureStatusMonitor`` uses this API to display relevant information in a similar way. Setup ----- Create your own version of ``CoreApplicationData`` (Assets > Create > Asmodee.net > CoreApplicationData), and provide it to the `CoreApplication `_. .. image:: ../Images/infrastructurestatusmonitor_1.png :align: center :scale: 50 % The section **InfrastructureStatusMonitor** exposes the following parameters: - **Infrastructure Status Component Ids To Monitor**: the list of specific components to monitor. You may want to check the Asmodee.net API and your dedicated game server. - **Infrastructure Status Monitoring Refresh Interval**: interval in seconds between two status check, when the panel is displayed. - **Check Infrastructure Status At Launch Time**: specify if the SDK should automatically check the status at launch time. If set to false, you may manually display the panel. - **Infrastructure Status Controller**: the prefab that will be displayed. .. image:: ../Images/infrastructurestatusmonitor_2.png :align: center :scale: 50 % **How to find the component id of your game server?** Run the following request in your web browser. .. code:: html http://bnd16qn95vpv.statuspage.io/api/v2/summary.json You will receive a json file containing the status for all components. Retrieve your game server via the ``name`` parameter and copy the ``ìd`` value. Manual display -------------- If you want to force the display of the panel, simply call: .. code:: csharp using AsmodeeNet.Network; CoreApplication.Instance.InfrastructureStatusMonitor.CheckInfrastructureStatus(forceDisplay:true); .. image:: ../Images/infrastructurestatusmonitor_3.png :align: center :scale: 50 %