Network Parameters

NetworkParameters is a ScriptableObject allowing to tweak how an app connects to servers.

Create your own version for your game, and provide it to the CoreApplication.

We will explain major parameters:


These settings are the same for everybody.

  • RestAPIClientId / RestAPIClientSecret: find these elements in Studio Manager / Apps.
  • RestAPIClientCredentials allows to set ClientId / ClientSecret per platform
  • RestAPIHostName:
  • RestAPIPinPublicKeys (2 elements):

Scalable Server

These settings are unique per game. Ask us for staging server settings when starting working on your project to do multiplayer development. Staging servers are for development only, never ship staging NetworkParameters to the public.

Before going public (most likely for beta), ask us for production settings.

Learn more about the different environments.

  • ScalableServerCredentials keeps the following information for Staging and Production environments
    • HostName: contact us
    • HostPort: contact us
    • PinPublicKeys: contact us (values for Staging environment are automatically set at runtime)
  • GameType: find this element in Studio Manager / Games under the column ID.